
Solar thermal energy is one of the most important and widespread forms of alternative energy. Solar energy is used for heating water to high temperatures and is widely used today in homes, hospitals, hotels, sports facilities, and other buildings. The contribution of solar water heaters to energy savings is very significant.  150-180 liters solar water heater covers about 80% of average family annual hot water needs. Approximately 270 kg of oil per year is saved energy wise, and CO2 emissions reduction is between 1000 and 1200 kg per year.

To understand the usefulness of copper in solar energy and specifically in hot water storage tanks, it is necessary to explain solar water heaters way of operation. More specifically, a solar water heater consists of the collectors, the storage tank where hot water is stored, the base, and the pipes connecting the collector and the tank. The solar collector absorbs energy from the sun and heats the water or the fluid inside it (a mixture of water and antifreeze).

This heated water or fluid (depending on the system type) passes through the pipes connecting the collector to the storage tank and heats the water via the heat exchanger (jacket) located in the tank. Fluid or water in the collector circulates without any pump, based on the fact that when heated, fluid or water becomes lighter and rises.

Water temperature in a solar water heater depends on the solar energy, temperature of the city water supply, the ambient temperature, as well as the temperature of the water already in the tank at the beginning of the day. It is noted that water needs to be heated to approximately 45ºC – 50ºC to adequately meet a family's needs.

Copper, being one of the best thermal conductors, has prompted most solar system manufacturers worldwide to produce collectors and hot water storage tanks. Practically, storage tanks made from copper have very long lifespans because copper, as is well known, does not corrode from hot water or electrolysis.

Another significant advantage is that copper, as a material, has five times the thermal conductivity of steel. Therefore, heat is transmitted much more easily from the fluid in the closed circuit to the hot water in use, contributing to better performance of the solar water heater.

The main advantages of an entirely copper solar system kits are:
Long lifespan, ensuring economic payback.
Robust construction, high resistance to corrosion, high pressures, and high temperatures.
High efficiency, rapid heating of water used.
Resistant to galvanic effect of electrolysis, which primarily corrodes iron alloys such as stainless steel and industrial iron.
Requires rare inspections because it is a product without magnesium rod (maintenance is necessary every 2-3 years).
Compatible with existing water supply and heating systems.
Prevents growth and multiplication of bacteria and other pathogenic microorganisms.
Eco-friendly product as it is 100% recyclable.